Erin Moran, Psy.D., Educator

Improve Your Child's Coping
Teaching Children Healthier Ways to Handle Stress
How I Help as an Educator

Reduce Reactivity & Improve Self-Regulation
I help children learn healthier coping strategies so they are better able to lean into the things they prefer (fight) to avoid. Through learning how to integrate self-regulation skills and improved insight your child can become unstuck from old, unproductive habits of coping.

Improve the Parent-Child Relationship
So many wonderful new solutions to old problems are revealed once we simply better understand each another. Unfortunately, our children often struggle to articulate themselves as their insight and communication skills are still developing. I help you and your child better understand one another in a way that faciliates your child's insight and strengthens the Parent-Child relationship.

Learn Flexible Problem Solving Skills
We all tend toward a more rigid style of thinking during times of stress. However, for more anxious children this can take on an "all or nothing" attitude that can leave the most patient of parents pulling their hair out. In our work, children are taught flexible problem solving skills so they are better able to embrace life's unexpected opportunities.

Strengthen Self-Esteem & Social Skills
Your child's sense of self worth and the quality of their relationships with others deeply influence one another. Through learning insight oriented and perspective taking skills (and dash of courage) your child's sense of confidence, and in effect their readiness to take on new challenges, can blossom.

"I've learned whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision". ~ Maya Angelou